Cigar smokers are a keen bunch, and they can often detect differences in tobacco blends used in different sized cigars even though they are in the same line of cigars. You will find that makers of cigars use slightly different blends for a variety of reasons. It is even possible that cigars crafted from the same blend have a different taste depending on the size of the cigar.
The next time you use your butane lighter to fire up a cigar, see if you have the ability to detect differences in blend. With practice, this is something that you should be able to do.
You will find that in the larger cigars, even though they might be in the same line, they simply have more of the tobacco than the smaller ones do. You will find that the ratios may vary slightly between the large and the small, and this is something that will account for the difference in taste. Many times the taste difference is subtle, but one who has been smoking cigars for any length of time should be able to pick out the difference.
You can see the blends in cigars by cutting them and looking at them. You can use a large cigar and a small cigar so that you can see the blend inside. You will find that dark tobaccos are often used in the middle of the cigar and lighter colored tobaccos are used closer to where the tobacco meets the wrapper. You will be able to see that the blends might look similar, but the larger cigar is going to have more of each type of tobacco, thus imparting a fuller flavor in most cases.
As your knowledge grows, you will find that you can tell the difference between the light and the dark tobaccos, and this will help you choose a cigar that you will enjoy. Take some time to experiment with different blends so that you can find the type of cigar that you like the best.
The next time you use your butane lighter to fire up a cigar, see if you have the ability to detect differences in blend. With practice, this is something that you should be able to do.
You will find that in the larger cigars, even though they might be in the same line, they simply have more of the tobacco than the smaller ones do. You will find that the ratios may vary slightly between the large and the small, and this is something that will account for the difference in taste. Many times the taste difference is subtle, but one who has been smoking cigars for any length of time should be able to pick out the difference.
You can see the blends in cigars by cutting them and looking at them. You can use a large cigar and a small cigar so that you can see the blend inside. You will find that dark tobaccos are often used in the middle of the cigar and lighter colored tobaccos are used closer to where the tobacco meets the wrapper. You will be able to see that the blends might look similar, but the larger cigar is going to have more of each type of tobacco, thus imparting a fuller flavor in most cases.
As your knowledge grows, you will find that you can tell the difference between the light and the dark tobaccos, and this will help you choose a cigar that you will enjoy. Take some time to experiment with different blends so that you can find the type of cigar that you like the best.
About the Author:
Dave Sabot is the owner of an online cigar lighters store. With expert knowledge of cigar accessories, including torch lighters, Dave also authors a highly rated blog featuring articles and videos on cigar lighter repair.
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